A positive leader brings their teams together and unites them. If you’ve already been asked to be a more unifying leader, here are 3 keys that will help you. What you are going to find in this article is the opposite of the type of leader who has the motto: divide and rule 😉.

We will first see what a unifying leader is not, then the 3 keys to being even more so.

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To unite or to divide?

If you’re reading this article, I bet you’re looking for tips on how to be a more unifying leader. Maybe in spite of yourself, there is division in your team or you simply want to validate that you are adopting good leadership practices.

What a leader who doesn’t bring people together does

It may happen that you act as I describe below, not necessarily excessively, but that these behaviors are present depending on the context. You are invited to take a step back from your actions by reading this list. Whether you recognize yourself or not, you will appreciate the three keys to be even more unifying.

Divisive behaviours

Divisive behaviors usually create clans or subgroups in the team. Like what:

  • Have favorites
  • Giving certain information to certain people
  • Recognizing unfairly
  • Gossiping about each other

Here are three examples of situations that can divide rather than unite:

Example #1 : A person who has not done as well on the goals receives the same recognition as others. The impact is a feeling of unfairness on others, and a possible demotivation and disengagement. In addition to potentially rejecting the person who received the reward, thus the formation of clans.

Example #2 : The same small group of people has the best plans. We will find the same impacts as in Example #1.

Example #3 : When the leader gives feedback to a person, he adds: “I’m not the only one who thinks that, some of your colleagues too.” The impact is direct on the person’s confidence in his or her skills and in his or her group of colleagues.


In fact, whether conscious or not, leaders who divide rather than unite generate negative impacts on the team, staff retention and the achievement of objectives.

Leaders are humans, I understand that they also have affinities with people, and less with others. Simply, I invite you to enter your role as a leader and accept people who are different, with other ideas and who can take you out of your comfort zone!

In any case, whether you adopt behaviors like those mentioned above or live it on a daily basis, here are 3 keys to being more unifying.


3 keys to being more unifying

Key #1: Show vulnerability

A more unifying leader is one with whom we feel comfortable and trust. To do this, essentially, it is that we have to show our human side. And a human being is not perfect, he makes mistakes, he has weaknesses and a certain sensitivity.

Vulnerability is having the courage to come forward and be seen when you know that there are no guarantees. -Brené Brown

If you don’t know this researcher who is an author, check out her books. I particularly like “Braving the wilderness” which is about courage, vulnerability and difference. On the subject of vulnerability, there is also “The Power of Vulnerability”.

So, to be more unifying, we must express certain doubts, fears, mistakes.

For example: Admitting that you change your mind because all the elements had not been taken into account.

You don’t have to justify yourself too much when you admit to a mistake. Personally I like the formula:

  • It happened […] (the facts)
  • I see the following impacts […] (about me, about others, about my business goals)
  • I learned that […]
  • And so in the future I […]


It requires a certain self-confidence first. Because you know, just because you make a mistake doesn’t mean you’re not competent. If you admit it and learn from this mistake and put things in place to improve on this point, for me you are rather an inspiring leader!

Key #2: Communicate Frequently

There is nothing more mobilizing than knowing where you are going in a clear way! To be more unifying, we need to have a vision that unites. Don’t worry, you don’t necessarily need a communication agency for this. Simply you, your ideas, your vision and meetings frequent enough that your team members don’t forget!

Here are the elements that I invite you to share, as well as their frequency:

  • Vision, direction: between 3 and 8 weeks in order to recall and adjust in times of uncertainty
  • Team Goals and Results: Quarter
  • Individual objectives and results: quarter or half-year
  • General feedback on successes and areas for improvement: weekly during your one-on-one meeting when appropriate. You just don’t have to wait for a formal meeting.
  • Adjustments, conflicts and difficult conversations: never wait more than two weeks before talking about it, simply wait until the emotions have passed so that the discussion remains positive. (I have a downloadable guide on difficult conversations, just ask for it on the downloadable guides page).

If you wonder what adjustments, conflicts and difficult conversations have to do in communication to be more unifying, it’s because in fact, the more you adjust with people, the more you develop a relationship of trust and demonstrate your vulnerability, set your limits, express your expectations, clarify roles. It’s very efficient to settle situations!

The frequencies proposed here must be adjusted to your reality, but tell yourself that

The more interactions you have, the more trust you create.


Key #3: Foster exchanges

In order to experience the opposite of “divide and rule,” encourage exchange. If you stay at the center of everything and you transmit everyone’s messages, you are not in the right management position.

Here are some examples to encourage exchanges:

  • Organize team activities
  • Invite your team members to come together to discuss a project
  • Ask people who have conflicts together to resolve them together (if necessary, act as a mediator, but in a three-way meeting, not one at a time by being the person who is “responsible” for resolving the conflict).
  • Organize team meetings to brainstorm operational improvements

You probably have some ideas in mind! And you don’t have to be part of these encounters. If you would like reports, you can ask for them.



A unifying leader generates and encourages a work environment where life is good and where performance is present. The team is united, not divided. Team members help each other and have constructive conflicts.

To be a more unifying leader, you often need to have a certain amount of self-confidence and courage. If you want to develop on this point, take the online self-training on managerial courage.

Then you have to communicate frequently, that is, you have to mobilize around a meaning, a vision and a direction in addition to giving feedback on performance.

Finally, it is necessary to encourage exchanges between the members of the group. Adopt the posture of managing the high-performance team and it will be a good step in this direction. Read the article on the management posture.