How to be heard?

How to be heard?

Do you want your manager to listen to you more, for your team members to better understand your point of view or for your voice to count in the organization’s decisions? Do you simply want to be heard? Being heard is part of the leader’s skills and...
4 strategies to better manage your time

4 strategies to better manage your time

If you’re like me, you like to manage your time better. In other words, you like to be efficient, deliver your goals and have quality time for yourself and for important files. You also want to rally well-being and performance. Your well-being, your performance...
5 mistakes to avoid when supervising telework

5 mistakes to avoid when supervising telework

Those who will be most successful in formalizing telework policies will be those who avoid these mistakes when it comes to regulating telework. Here are 5 mistakes to avoid so that teamwork and the achievement of objectives are optimal in a remote collaboration...
How to make the most of your time?

How to make the most of your time?

It is common to think that time is out of control. And indeed, there are no more than 24 hours in a day. At the same time, you are in control of what you do with your time. You have power over your choices. So, how do you make the most of your time? By developing...
The 5 characteristics of high-performing teams

The 5 characteristics of high-performing teams

We all dream of a high-performance team. Between recruitment, the time available to your managers for coaching and the market, how do you develop the characteristics of high-performing teams while taking into account the people and the context you currently have? In...
What to do when there is too much to do?

What to do when there is too much to do?

Some periods are more intense than others. Some intense periods seem endless. These moments can be exhausting! While you may not control all the causes of this volume of work, there are elements that you can control. Here are 5 tips when there’s too much to do...
How can information be made public?

How can information be made public?

How well do you manage to be understood by your new employees, your boss or your colleagues? A leader experiences several communication situations in which he or she needs to popularize information. Being a good popularizer increases one’s credibility and...
Be successful in a new position (quickly)

Be successful in a new position (quickly)

Have you obtained a new management position in the last few months? If so, have you followed the key steps in order to be successful in a new position, quickly? Many organizations have onboarding programs to understand the organization, processes, etc. That’s...
How do you make decisions quickly?

How do you make decisions quickly?

How many decisions do you make every day? Probably more than you think! Leaders need to make decisions quickly, several times a day. Ideally, these decisions take into account the medium and long term, but in reality this is not always the case. This article presents...
3 levels of vision

3 levels of vision

You probably know that a long-term vision is important. From there, how do you achieve it? Do you have your 3 levels of vision? In my experience as a manager, I have seen huge gains in incorporating long-term management into my daily life. I understand that the...
Is your team in solution mode and result-oriented?

Is your team in solution mode and result-oriented?

Do you feel that your team is in solution mode and result-oriented? Is it sufficiently so? And an element appreciated by the majority of leaders is to feel supported and supported. Are you one of those types of leaders? I bet you do. Here’s how to facilitate and...
How do you make important decisions?

How do you make important decisions?

When it comes time to make an important decision, how quickly are you able to take action quickly enough to seize opportunities? The more options you have, the less easily you’ll be able to decide. In which of these two situations will you be able to decide more...
Have you heard of the butterfly effect?

Have you heard of the butterfly effect?

The butterfly effect is the theory that the flapping of a butterfly’s wings in Brazil can cause a tornado in Texas. That is to say that the impact of a very small thing (a butterfly’s wing flap…) can create a grandiose effect (a Tornado) very far...
How to achieve your goals (quick and easy tool)

How to achieve your goals (quick and easy tool)

I like moments of hindsight. The moments, when I consciously take stock of my goals and adjust my planning. This allows me to anticipate, to have a good vision and above all to adapt to the context! This famous context that is constantly changing! Yes, even in my...
What is the level of risk to take?

What is the level of risk to take?

I associate the level of risk to be taken with courage. Courage in management and business is the level of determination of the leader to make decisions or directions, even when they would not be accepted by all. For example: approving or rejecting a strategy,...
How to deliver your vision?

How to deliver your vision?

. Many customers, friends and people regularly mention how difficult it is for them to deliver what they want to deliver, on time. What I hear is: “I can’t follow my own plan!” or “I have more ideas than time!”. How do we deliver our...