As a leader, getting to know yourself better allows you to recognize your strengths and blind spots as well as to determine which profile(s) are essential in order to better surround yourself and have the desired impact.

In this article, you will find the five essentials to get to know yourself better. Answer the coach’s questions if you want a concrete result and gain clarity quickly!

Finally, for each point, see how to use the element to validate the chemistry between you and the organization… or a potential candidate.

1- Its values

Knowing your values allows you to be aligned.

Know your values

You can find different exercises online, or in my asynchronous online training “Getting to know yourself better”, as well as in this free online test.

Coach Questions
  • Does my professional role allow me to express my values?
  • Does my work environment and the culture of the organization align with my values?
  • How consistent are my actions with my values?
  • In which sphere(s) of my life do I feel aligned with my values? And finally, in which one or which ones is the alignment missing?
In order to surround yourself with the right people or to choose a role or a job
  • What questions can you ask the candidate or employer to validate the alignment of your values?

2-Its interests

A person is usually more engaged and motivated when their actions are related to their interests.

Know your interests

As a leader, it’s good to know your interests to have more clarity on what to delegate and again, how to surround yourself with better people.

To get to know them, look at the readings you have made, the conversations that have taken place, the television programs you have watched and look for the similarities between these different elements.

Coach Questions
  • What is the part reserved for my interests in the different spheres of my life?
In order to surround yourself with the right people or to choose a role or a job
  • What questions can you ask the candidate or employer to validate your interests in the tasks, topics and future learning?

3-Its strengths

Fully utilizing your strengths gives energy and vitality.

Know your strengths

I like the free test that can be found on this site. Here are some questions to better understand how to use your strengths.

Coach Questions
  • What strengths are fully utilized in my professional role?
  • What strengths are not being fully utilized and how could they be leveraged?
  • What are the downsides of your strengths?
In order to surround yourself with the right people or to choose a role or a job
  • What questions can you ask the candidate or employer to validate the use of each person’s strengths?

4-His aspirations

Having aspirations allows you to set clear goals.

Know your aspirations

I propose here to see what you want in terms of position, type of organization, personal and social life, etc. in a horizon of 1,3,5,10 years. The interesting thing about this exercise is that this simple vision with clear goals will get you there.

Too many people don’t know what their aspirations are or don’t have a plan to get there. Don’t be one of those people and go! Grab a piece of paper and go!

Coach Questions
  • What do you think you need to achieve your aspirations?
In order to surround yourself with the right people or to choose a role or a job

It’s really interesting to have this kind of discussion when hiring. You may have plans for the person or the person may have plans that don’t add up! In addition, I invite you to validate this at each annual interview so as not to miss an opportunity. Too many people see promotions pass under their noses because they didn’t express themselves!

5-Its purpose

To follow through on the work on your aspirations, create goals now!

A vision without a plan is unlikely to come true.

Know your goals

Take a sphere of your life and its aspirations. For example, the professional sphere.

If you want to take up a management position in 10 years. What do you need to have accomplished in 5, 3 and 1 year to get there?

I like to start from the “end”, that is to say from the goal and to go back in time.

If you need to develop certain skills and you feel you need 2 or 3 years, you will know when to start!

Coach Tips
  • For each area of your life (professional, personal, social, etc.) indicate your goal in 3, 5 or 10 years and start setting clear goals right away (with deadlines and action plans!).
  • Set aside time in your calendar to accomplish your action plan.
  • Review your progress quarterly and adjust.


As a leader, knowing yourself better allows you to take stock of yourself, surround yourself with better people and make more informed choices in your career and life.

To go further… Are you familiar with the NOVA Profile? It is a proven tool for getting to know yourself better. Experience it here.