Managers’ Worst Mistakes – Part 1

Managers’ Worst Mistakes – Part 1

I think that we can measure the performance of a leader by the performance of his team. If the team is efficient, has good chemistry, good communication, then the leader is probably a good performer, the type of person who fosters relationships and clearly expresses...

Two keys to acting in uncertainty

Acting in uncertainty. Even though this topic has been regularly featured in business reviews and management topics for the past 15 years, it can’t be more relevant than it is now, right? I also talk about it, because BEING agile and ACTING differently has been...
How to be heard?

How to be heard?

Do you want your manager to listen to you more, for your team members to better understand your point of view or for your voice to count in the organization’s decisions? Do you simply want to be heard? Being heard is part of the leader’s skills and...
How to give effective and caring feedback

How to give effective and caring feedback

How do you give effective and caring feedback? Offering feedback, whether it’s reinforcement or realignment, isn’t always easy, is it? If you want to find a balance between being caring and efficient, here are two essential and simple keys to apply. This...
How can we get people to buy into change?

How can we get people to buy into change?

How do you get people to embrace change? Human beings have an immense capacity to adapt to change. Think about your life, think about the changes you’ve experienced! Dealing with change is our daily lot, the more you have a proven approach and method, the easier...
Knowing how to generate ideas effectively

Knowing how to generate ideas effectively

There is always room for innovation and generating ideas, you might say. That’s right! And it’s really a business activity that I love: generating new ideas! What I love even more are the benefits of being an innovative company or team! Inter alia:...
4 strategies to avoid losing motivation

4 strategies to avoid losing motivation

Do you feel that you (or someone on your team) is losing motivation? Do you notice a lack of commitment or motivation around you? This can be at work or in your personal life. For example, you stay at work but don’t try too hard anymore. Or you find yourself...
4 strategies to better manage your time

4 strategies to better manage your time

If you’re like me, you like to manage your time better. In other words, you like to be efficient, deliver your goals and have quality time for yourself and for important files. You also want to rally well-being and performance. Your well-being, your performance...
5 mistakes to avoid when supervising telework

5 mistakes to avoid when supervising telework

Those who will be most successful in formalizing telework policies will be those who avoid these mistakes when it comes to regulating telework. Here are 5 mistakes to avoid so that teamwork and the achievement of objectives are optimal in a remote collaboration...
How to assess the performance evaluation process?

How to assess the performance evaluation process?

Having experienced it as a manager and discussing it regularly with my clients, I admit that the evaluation period can be a demanding and frustrating exercise. But you don’t have to experience it that way. You can turn the experience of the performance review...
How can we reduce resistance to change?

How can we reduce resistance to change?

We probably wouldn’t need change management methods or tools if humans didn’t naturally resist change. So how can we reduce resistance to change? Factors such as personality or personal tolerance for risk and uncertainty play a role in the level of...
How can you better achieve your goals?

How can you better achieve your goals?

Do you feel or are you being criticized for a lack of clarity or communication and this has an impact on the deliverables? Do you have a number of objectives to achieve and at the slightest delay you are criticized for a lack of clarity? Here’s how to better...
How can you be more comfortable with mistakes?

How can you be more comfortable with mistakes?

Mistakes allow you to learn, gain experience and move forward faster. Being more comfortable with one’s mistakes is worthy of a courageous leader. This article invites you to be more comfortable with your mistakes, offers tips on how to better manage your...
Empathy to adapt

Empathy to adapt

The most effective way to adapt in today’s world is through empathy. Empathy for yourself, for others, for the organization. In behavioral agility, systemic empathy is an extraordinary lever for cooperation and contributes to anticipation and innovation. Empathy...
Expand this to scale up

Expand this to scale up

Do you want to feel more energized? More in control? More satisfied? Better surrounded? The solution is probably simpler than you think. You can stop burning yourself and increase your power with 3 postures: anticipate, cooperate and innovate. If you were compensating...
How to reduce stress… that you cause to others?

How to reduce stress… that you cause to others?

A leader can be under stress. But, how can it reduce stress… what does he cause to others? This article doesn’t want to stress you 😉. You will find ideas to have a positive impact on others, in part, by reducing the stress you can cause, even if you are...