80% of your professional goals will be achieved in the informal sector… What if you turned the political games in your favor, in a simple and positive way?
The reality is that “politics” does not have a good reputation or is rarely well perceived. However, we must not confuse shenanigans with political games – yes, they are indeed games! It’s possible to be political in a positive way and have fun at the same time!
I don’t want to be the bearer of bad news, but if you want to advance in an organization, there is little chance that it will be your technical or operational skills that will allow you to do so. Developing your political skills can help you to:
- Have more impact, influence and credibility;
- stand out, complete a difficult mission, increase your recognition or access a promotion.
We often think of organizations as hierarchies. In fact, they are networks. Create your own in connection according to your objective.
Here are four simple steps to help you develop your political skills in a positive way and achieve results quickly.
1. Say “Hello!”
Personally, I can’t wait at the coffee machine next to a stranger without saying “Hello!” This simple informal gesture allowed me to integrate very quickly into new environments and to meet people from all hierarchical levels, from all professions, all of whom allowed me to facilitate my work at one time or another.
Use elevators, cafeterias, coffee machines, public transportation, your place of leisure, it doesn’t matter: say “Hello!” and don’t expect anything.
request1. Say “Hello!” to a new person every day for 21 days.
2. Be friendly
Admit it: we all tend to go towards nice people. We invite them, we ask them for their opinion, we involve them, we think of them for opportunities… Already, you will be noticed by your “Hello!”. Some will strike up a conversation with you. In these cases, ask them questions, about themselves or related to your location. People like to talk about themselves and feel useful.
requests1. For each person you say “Hello!” to and feel like you can start a conversation, ask them a question so they can talk about themselves or feel useful.
2. Ask someone you already know in the organization one question a day like this.
3. Create your network
As a result of the previous queries, you probably have new informal contacts and more information in general. As a bonus, I’m comfortable saying that there’s a good chance you’ll have a little more fun on a daily basis.
Now, let’s work on your business goal and professional results. In the long run, you will have created a virtuous circle of help: this means that you will help people and that you will ask them for help.
The simple act of asking for or offering advice creates connections, stimulates exchanges and also expands your network.
requests1. Define your goal – Do you want to get promoted? Do you want help to make your job or a particular assignment easier? Do you want to change jobs? Do you want recognition? Do you want new customers?
2. Define how much time per week you will devote to your goal and set times for this purpose in your diary.
3. Find out in the organization who the people you need to know are or who will help you find them.
4. Create your virtuous
circle – Make three lists:
a) Name the people who need to be part of your informal network to help you achieve your goal.
b) List those who owe you something.
c) List the names of the people you could help
– Update these lists on a weekly basis. Take the lead. Don’t wait for someone to approach you. You are responsible for achieving your goal and therefore boosting your network. When in doubt, think that you owe something. Don’t be shy to ask afterwards, people like to feel useful!
In conclusion, integrate the “Hello!” into your habits, be a good player in the informal and have fun. Keep in mind that a good political player is an exchanger – a person who receives and gives. You win the game when you have reached your goal!
What is your professional goal at the moment? How can developing your political acumen help you get there?
Originally published Direction Informatique!