Knowing how to generate ideas effectively

Knowing how to generate ideas effectively

There is always room for innovation and generating ideas, you might say. That's right! And it's really a business activity that I love: generating new ideas! What I love even more are the benefits of being an innovative company or team! Inter alia: Production costs...

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4 strategies to avoid losing motivation

4 strategies to avoid losing motivation

Do you feel that you (or someone on your team) is losing motivation? Do you notice a lack of commitment or motivation around you? This can be at work or in your personal life. For example, you stay at work but don't try too hard anymore. Or you find yourself...

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4 strategies to better manage your time

4 strategies to better manage your time

If you're like me, you like to manage your time better. In other words, you like to be efficient, deliver your goals and have quality time for yourself and for important files. You also want to rally well-being and performance. Your well-being, your performance and...

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