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of success
comes from
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10 things
to know
about Unique coaching


We are in business
because we love it

Our business is built on a passion: to help you create a more positive impact on you, around you, as well as on the productivity and profitability of your organization. We are deeply invested in our mission.


We believe that you are able to deliver your goals while having a positive impact
We know that there can be a duality in the day-to-day management between the delivery of goals and the well-being of those around you. Especially under pressure, or when time is short or uncertain.

Unique coaching exists so that you can, even under pressure and uncertainty, continue to deliver AND be a positive, unifying leader.

We have made it the foundation of our philosophy: leadership, fun, results.


We live our values

We show leadership in our field and make it a point of emphasis for you to develop and express yours, in a fair, relevant and positive way in order to achieve the results you want. We train, we get coached (yes!), we revisit our methods and we stay up to date in our field. We dare at trying new models, ways of offering you the best experience and so on. We want you to be the best in your field. Your success will be our best advertisement.


We have a lot of fun playing our roles. The same is true when it comes to our relationship with you: we want to give you the most pleasant experience possible.
Fun is present every day, in our work and in our relationships with customers, partners and suppliers. We choose those with whom we do business.
We want the leaders and teams with whom we do business to have more fun on a daily basis.


Like you, our results are essential. We make sure to support you in a human AND efficient way.
We aim for growth, we innovate, we measure our performance, we have clear objectives.
We support you in clarifying your objectives and the results you want to achieve.


We don’t do mediocre
We give ourselves 120%. According to your needs and your vision, we develop a tailor-made strategy adapted to your reality. In other words, we don’t copy / paste from client to client, we carefully select from our toolbox what is best for you. We offer and create exclusive content and proven tools.


Our approach
has proven itself

Coaching professionnel

Nous choisir, c’est choisir une méthode de coaching éprouvée et des outils validés par la science et l’expérience.


Nous avons un concept nommé les 3 poupées qui se résume ainsi : Ce n’est pas le focus sur les résultats qui fera la plus grande différence, c’est à propos de qui vous avez besoin d’être et comment vous avez besoin d’agir pour atteindre les résultats. Avec votre engagement dans votre propre croissance, nous pouvons faire une équipe du tonnerre.


À partir de 2017, une offre graduelle de formation s’est ajoutée à l’offre de coaching et de profils psychométriques. Notre fondatrice a passé de nombreuses heures en studio pour tourner des capsules vidéo et des centaines d’heures à écrire des outils efficaces.


Nous mettons notre contenu à jour en continu. Nous offrons gratuitement une infolettre bimensuelle et articles de blogue afin de partager des outils et des bonnes pratiques de gestion et d’affaires.


95% de nos clients n’ont pas d’études en gestion

Il est prouvé que la mémoire retient environ 10% du contenu théorique, ou reçu de façon formelle. Que 70% des nouveaux acquis passent par l’expérimentation et la pratique et que 20% se font au travers d’interactions, à un collègue par exemple.

C’est pourquoi notre méthode est :
1.Apprendre     2. Expérimenter     3. Partager
Dans nos parcours, qu’ils soient en individuel ou en équipe, vous aurez du contenu théorique, ainsi que des ateliers pour expérimenter et partager.
Nos parcours sont sur la durée car nous savons que les nouveaux acquis ne se mettent pas en pratique suite à une formation de 2h!

Notre méthode favorise la réussite.


We aim
for success

We mentioned it above, but it’s so important, we’re putting it back here!
We value the success of our clients. We tailored products adapted to today’s reality. We want you to be successful, while also being successful ourselves.


We are

We believe that creativity can be applied as much in an Excel file as it is in brainstorming a new strategy. We are constantly creating and loving it.


We are courageous and driven by humility

If we make a mistake (yes, it does happen!), We’ll tell you. We are honest with our customers and with each other. Our relationships are important to us.
If we don’t think we can help you, we’ll let you know.
If you are not satisfied, we want to know it and we will make an effort to adjust ourselves to create satisfaction.


We love our clients
You are the reason we continue to be in business. We respond quickly to requests.
You will always be accompanied with kindness, respected, never judged.
We believe in the inclusion of all in terms of gender and origins. We do not tolerate any disrespect in our coachees, groups of participants or towards our team.


We are not
for everyone

We laugh out loud and have a boundless sense of optimism. We take our work seriously without taking ourselves seriously. We believe that you can be yourself to be successful. If you want a “classic template” with a lot of Powerpoint, you might not be happy with us ?

Improve your management and business skills.
Consult the best practices in leadership, management and business.

Are you looking for coaching with leadership, fun and results?
Good thing, we are always looking for the perfect clients for us.


Our customers talk about us
Are you curious about what awaits you?